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TV licence (Rundfunkbeitrag)

In Germany, all citizens over the age of 18 and who possess a TV, radio or computer must pay for a licence. The fee is charged for the option of using public broadcasting programmes. You are obliged to pay this fee from the first of the month in which you move into your new home, in which you register your residence at the Meldebehörde or in which you are listed as becoming a tenant in your rental contract. The fee is charged per household, regardless of how many people are living there and how many different devices there are. 

  • Certain groups of people may apply for exemption or to have the amount reduced as a result of financial hardship or health reasons. This must be done in writing.
  • You can download the application form online at or pick it up in Pforzheim, Blumenhof 4 (information stand on the first floor).
  • The application form must be completely filled in, signed and returned along with the necessary proof to: ‘ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio Beitragsservice, 50656 Köln’.