Gesellschaft für berufliche Eingliederung (GBE)
Bleichstr. 56 – 68 (number 64, second floor)
75173 Pforzheim
Renate Bertsch, Monika Freisler
+49 7231 39-34 32 oder 39-34 22
Only for migrants from non-EU countries
(Please arrange appointments by phone)
Caritasverband Pforzheim e. V.
Blumenhof 6
75175 Pforzheim
Salvatore Galluzzo
+49 7231 12 81 26
(Please arrange appointments by phone)
Diakonie Pforzheim
Melanchthonstraße 1
75172 Pforzheim
Sonja Ehmann
+49 7231 3 78 78
(Please arrange appointments by phone)
Stadt Pforzheim | Jugend- und Sozialamt
Marktplatz 4
75175 Pforzheim
+49 7231 39-35 88
(Tuesdays and Thursdays by appointment only)
Welcome Center Nordschwarzwald Industrie- und Handelskammer Nordschwarzwald (IHK)
Dr. Brandenburg-Str. 6
75173 Pforzheim
Lina Zambrano
+49 (0)7231-201-0
You will find more information at and