The Bildungs- und Teilhabepaket (BuT) opens up better educational and future prospects for children in families with low incomes.
Families receiving the following benefits are also eligible to receive support from the BuT:
- Unemployment benefits II (Arbeitslosengeld II) or income support (Sozialhilfe) according to SGB II
- Income support according to SGB XII and § 2 AsylbLG
- Housing benefit (Wohngeld) and/or
- Children’s bonus allowance (Kinderzuschlag)
The BuT benefits include:
- Lunch at nursery, school and shelters
- Membership contributions for cultural, sports and leisure clubs/activities
- Costs for nursery and school trips covered
- Support for children with learning difficulties
- School supplies
- Extra learning assistance
What will you need?
- Passport or ID card
- Potentially the completed application for Bildungs- und Teilhabepaket (you can get application forms at the Jugend- und Sozialamt or the Jobcenter Pforzheim)
- Any missing documentation will be requested at your initial appointment
What will you receive?
- Confirmation regarding the amount and duration of the education and social inclusion benefits
(Keep this in a safe place!)
You can find more information on benefits for education and participation at