Work permits (Arbeitserlaubnis) for people from EU countries
EU citizens are allowed to work or be self-employed in Germany. They do not need a permit to do so and are subject to the same rights as Germans.
People from Croatia have to apply for a work permit (at least) until 30 June 2015. There are exceptions for professionals with academic training, seasonal workers and people who want to begin industrial or in-company training in Germany.
For more information, please contact Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung (ZAV)
+49 228 713 20 20
Work permits (Arbeitserlaubnis) for people from non-EU countries
Migrants may work in Germany if their residence permit (Aufenthaltstitel) allows it. The relevant permits may be obtained from the Ausländerbehörde.
On the topic of work, your residence permit may list the following remarks:
„Erwerbstätigkeit gestattet“
This means that you are permitted to work for an employer and/or be self-employed.
„Beschäftigung gestattet, selbständige Tätigkeit nicht gestattet“
This means that you are permitted to work for an employer but you are not permitted to be self-employed.
„Erwerbstätigkeit nur mir Erlaubnis der Ausländerbehörde gestattet“
This means that, if you find a potential job or self-employment opportunity, you will need to apply for the relevant work permit from the Ausländerbehörde. Only once you have received the approval of the Ausländerbehörde will you be permitted to work.
For more information, please contact the Abteilung Migration und Flüchtlinge.